Grab your journal and a pen and let’s sing the alphabet song. Well, ok, we aren’t really going to sing, but you’ll definitely have a skip in your step during this series.

Auras to Zen is designed for gentle, mindful, classic tangling to get you through the summer months when our schedules tend to take over our creative practice. This course will reserve time just for you and your own self-care and creative play.

Each 1-hour class is inspired in some way by a letter of the alphabet and can be completed during class. But you’ll also have the option to expand upon the design further if you choose.

The series runs for 10 weeks, has 3 live classes, and 2 pre-recorded classes released every Monday. You will have access to all of the content in Teachable with no expiration date (as long as I’m on Teachable). (The live classes will be recorded and posted into the course material.)

Join this series today and get ready to have some fun from A to Z!


Supplies are simple!

You’ll just need:

a small journal (roughly 5”x6” or similar)

26 or more pages

a pen, pencil & tortillon


The series runs June 26 - Sept 6.

2 pre-recorded classes will be released

every Monday from June 26 thru Aug 28.


MOVED TO 10:00am.

Live #1: Sat June 24, 10:00-12:00

Live #2: Thurs July 20, 6:00-8:00

Live #3: Wed Sept 6, 6:00-8:00

(Live classes will be recorded and

posted in the course within 48 hours.)

All times are Eastern time zone.

If you join after these dates, you will

have access to all of the content immediately.

This course is closed for enrollment.