Poems to Comfort Your Heart

I wrote this collection of poems after the first major loss in my adult life, the unexpected passing of my father. I had no idea how to mourn the loss of such an important person in my life, and it took me awhile to adjust.

A year after dad's passing, I sponsored a memorial event in his honor. As I prepared, I found myself writing my emotional thoughts down on paper. And so began the true healing process, and the completion of 9 different memorial poems.

If you have experienced a loss, no matter how recent, these poems can help to comfort your heart and mind, just like they did for me.

Poems & Journaling

Since creativity can be a pathway to healing, this eBook is designed as a companion to your journaling and creative process.

You will receive all 9 poems from my healing journey, printed on custom designed backgrounds, personally created using eco-dyeing techniques. To the right is an example of a poem and background from the book.

This book is also a journaling companion. There are over 20 journal blocks, some with a prompt and some that are blank, that can be cut out and placed in a journal, on your canvas or in your Soul Collage practice. Add your own writing, photos, or drawings to personalize each entry.

These poems were all personally written, divinely inspired and have provided comfort to many people over the years. I am so proud to finally share them with all of you in this beautiful ebook and journaling companion.

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